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52 Years of the Blues, 2012 


32” x 79”

Recycled fabric, digital printing, stenciled, machine quilted


      Over the course of 4 months, I painted and printed “blue” words and sewed blue fabric. What started out as a very personal journey, reliving my life in regards to its sadness, began to turn into a more complex expedition. I began to think of my brothers and sisters and the stories I know of their struggles.  Then I thought of my mother and her own fight with depression. And then I thought of my friends, both men and women, who have had lives that presented difficult moments and resulting sadness.

      My quilt process had helped me make a journey that took me from my own pain to a realization that we all live with sadness at one time or another in our life. I believe that not one of us is exempt from this most basic human emotion.

      I now see that I am not alone in this story. And by not being alone, life is easier to bear.

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