Linda Jurkiewicz
Fiber Artist

Vritti, 2017
114" x 17"
Fiber, hand embroidered, hand-dyed
Vritti - Vortex of consciousness, circular activity with no beginning and no end.
I learned the concept of vritti in yoga practice. It is the idea that our minds are constantly whirling and impede our ability to see our true selves. The practice of yoga is an attempt to quiet these thoughts.
Some scientific research indicates that 60% of a person’s thoughts are repetitive. Upon learning that, I could clearly see the hindrance of my mind on my life. A lifetime full of mantras, unknown to me, and most probably, not helpful. Questioning life’s frustrations, life’s meaning, my actions, other people’s behavior, my personal value, my goals for my life. On and on, ad nauseam.
Despite the persistence of these questions, I periodically see some relief, some openness, and some beauty.